Sunday, October 31, 2010

How companies make decision ?

Decision making is an event which carves the future, before it has happened. This involves information gathering, weighing options, forecasting and deliberating. Decide and Deliver: Five Steps to Breakthrough Performance in Your Organization by Marcia W. Blenko, Michael C. Mankins and Paul Rogers explores tools to successful decision making. According to this book incompetent decision making doesn’t remain a personal problem, but it rolls into a corporate liability. This book bundles all the areas quintessential to the decision making and creating a mark on the ultimate reality of business success. This book explores different cases at Ford, Telstra and many other companies which required bringing in huge changes creating multi-dimensional impact.

There are five steps mentioned that begins with assessing the decision effectiveness and how the organization supports it. Identify the critical decisions. Set individual critical decisions up for success. Build an integrated organization system which enables great decision making and execution throughout. Embed the changes in everyday practices. Lets us explore the merits of these points through a business issue in real-time environment. A technological firm needs to change its payroll system from a human based process to an electronic one. This may occur due to the many folded expansion of the business. Due diligence of the existing system, to the new requirement, would help the organization choose a solution. The process can be outsourced with service level agreement in an alignment of the growing business need. There lie many challenges to this decision including errors in salary calculation, mishandling in the data management, mismanagement in disbursement and etc. The decision makers can implement the five steps mentioned in the book to realize the goal. Firstly, the due diligence would include assessing the decision effectiveness. Next, the leaders would identify the critical decisions in this change.

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