Thursday, September 23, 2010

Decoding Power

Strategist since ages have chosen to be the king maker and not the king. Sun Tzu , Chanakya , Aristotle have all chosen to be teachers to the powerful kings such as King Helu , Chandragupta Murya and Alexander . The point to ponder is what made the teachers powerful . These visionaries were aware of their strengths yet never choose to take the throne.
The route to gain power begins with taking early decision-making in order to push boundaries . At this point of time, the stakes are low, hence the losses would be low, incase the decision goes wrong . For eg : the best time to begin a business or invest is when the market indices are in the correction mode. Every business takes its own time to stabilise. Hence the low valuation of the market allows the entrepreneur to start with benefits of low real estates and talent cost. And bear rich profit by the time market swings back.
The next step is building the mental model which includes will and determination to succeed. Efforts are made endlessly till success is achieved. This further includes conflict tolerance. It is a skill which strengthens the individual to make decisions yet stay attuned with the environment. John Pickering explains this capability as maturity, as it enables an individual to select behaviour over the preferred one.

To continue reading

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