Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Managing the Creative Class – HR Challenges

This is a discussion in CiteHR identifying two areas in managing ‘The Creative Class’. We take a closer look at this class to understand how to manage them and deal with other HR challenges http://www.citehr.com/287495-need-your-help-these-two-questions.html
Richard Florida in his book ‘Rise of the Creative Class’ defines creative class as, “the class including not only the world of traditional artists (writers, painters, actors, musicians, entertainers etc. which Florida calls the “bohemians”) but everybody for whom creativity or intellectual work is an essential element of his or her personal and professional life. It includes all types of knowledge workers, who produce or deal with ideas and intellectual capital, such as software developers, advertisers, designers, architects, engineers, scientists, inventors, consultants, educators, and many more.”
HR Challenges for creative firm lies in identifying the talent, training and grooming the talent to a level where they are productive. The pull and the push factors need to be identified to hold the talent back in the organization. In this vertical, the type of talent intake is defined right during hiring. The talent is further groomed to deliver in the role, through numerous training programs and on-the–job mentoring. The emphasis on the best fit during the training program is required as it sets the learning curve. The talent will require the natural capabilities to remain creative even during stress situation. Apart from talent retention and best fit identification, compensation structure and mobility will remain a concern. As the hiring increase it creates an increased pressure on the creative firms to scale up their compensation structure with monetary and non-monetary benefits. Incase, the salary offered is not increased certain non-benefits including up-skilling is offered. This is important as it increases the value offered by each talent .Consequently maintaining the talent mobility to ensure lowest risk and highest production becomes a paramount importance. For e.g.: A consultancy may build on the expat program to ensure maximum gain through global mobility. They may deploy the talent at the client’s site to ensure fastest delivery and least downtime to what have been mentioned in the service level agreement.
To continue reading :http://www.citeman.com/11057-managing-the-creative-class-hr-challenges/

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